Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011




Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

I'm not a LIAR

It's fast like wind
Hard like fire
seeking like shadow
sudden like thunder..
But,It's flow like water..
Fragile like snow..
Stay and waiting like mountain
And calm like forest..

Just now,I've found this sentences when I read my comic.It's seems so meaning full for me.I don't know why and how.But I think it has a relation to a happening Last night.Yap Last night I caught him made.He said something I dont know.For the first time I asked to my self " Did he mean it?" I was trying to not thinking about everything he said. I'm sure that I never do something like he've said.I've said that I NEVER DO IT .I said "I never do it.Believe in me please." But I think he was ignore it.
Did you know how's my feeling??To be known as a LIAR by him?I don't want to get damn about it.Just take it easy.He'll know later.Yeah..I know it's hard like fire.And it was happen as fast as wind.Come suddenly like thunder.Maybe for the first time I'll seek.I know I'm fragile like snow.But I know everything will be better.Just let it flow like water.And I myself will always stay and waiting like mountain till the time's come and of course I'll stand calm like forest.


It was happend in about some months ago.But I'ts no matter if I re-tell it now,right??
okay.It's about.... .Yah guess it by yourself deh.Males nulis-nulis nya di sini.hehe..
I don't know what must I say.I just wanna say that now,I'm trying to healling everything.Everything.Actualy it's not only abot him.But,here I just wanna tell about him.hehe
You know's so easy for me to spread out my tears.It's begin from 25th January.Someone I trusted was lying to me.And its make me afraid to trusting someone else.I cried a lot at the first time.I don't know how,but in sone days later I realize that it's not the end.So,I conclude that I'll fill my time with all my friend who always make me cheer and happy.How glad am I to having friends like you all?haha Thanks God.

O ya.Never thinking that I'm not get some happiness anymore.Now,I'm happy.Altough now he and I 're nothing,but we still may laughing together,play together,and we're still likes get messanger to each other.However I can't lost everyting about him.It's to hard for me.But I'll try to stay strong.I say that I can't conceal that sometimes I get hurt because of him.But I myself believe that he'll understand later.
For now, I think there're still many things I must do .Yeah It's not far to the national examination day.
Okay I think enough.I hope everythings'll done well .amin..

Rabu, 20 April 2011


It was happend in about some months ago.But I'ts no matter if I re-tell it now,right??
okay.It's about.... .Yah guess it by yourself deh.Males nulis-nulis nya di sini.hehe..
I don't know what must I say.I just wanna say that now,I'm trying to healling everything.Everything.Actualy it's not only abot him.But,here I just wanna tell about him.hehe
You know's so easy for me to spread out my tears.It's begin from 25th January.Someone I trusted was lying to me.And its make me afraid to trusting someone else.I cried a lot at the first time.I don't know how,but in sone days later I realize that it's not the end.So,I conclude that I'll fill my time with all my friend who always make me cheer and happy.How glad am I to having friends like you all?haha Thanks God.

O ya.Never thinking that I'm not get some happiness anymore.Now,I'm happy.Altough now he and I 're nothing,but we still may laughing together,play together,and we're still likes get messanger to each other.However I can't lost everyting about him.It's to hard for me.But I'll try to stay strong.I say that I can't conceal that sometimes I get hurt because of him.But I myself believe that he'll understand later.
For now, I think there're still many things I must do .Yeah It's not far to the national examination day.
Okay I think enough.I hope everythings'll done well .amin..

Sabtu, 27 November 2010

nice pict

Try to read my life

alhamdulillah akhir-akhir ini hidup gw terasa nyaman banget.Ngga ada beban deh pokoknya.
Nggga kaya yang biasanya.Entah penyebabnya nya dari faktor daam atau luar.Tapi yang pasti gw ngerasa semuanya bisa jadi kaya yang gw mau.Yang gw harepin.
Gw makin bisa ngertiin orang-orang di sekitar gw dan sebaliknya.
Gw itu cengeng.Hampir mendekeati "cengeng banget" dikit-dikit gue nangis.Cuma gara-gara masalah sepele aja nangis.Kalo gue udah nangis tuh semuanya jadi serba ribet.Ngga mood mau ngapa-ngapain.
Akhirnya gue mulai berfikir,"Buat apa sih gue nangis dan mikirin semua masalah2 itu?"
Toh semuanya juga akan berakhir seiring jalannya waktu.Lagian,kalo gue gitu terus masalah itu pun nggak akan selesai,yang ada gue malah tambah ngerasa terbebani.
Kadang gue mikir,"Kenapa sih kok ada aja masalah di hidup gue?"
Tapi gue sadar,masalah itu bumbu nya kehidupan.Hidup terasa mati tanpa masalah.Dan kalo gue ngerasa masalah yang gue hadepin itu masalah besar,seharusnya gue bersyukur.Karna itu artinya Allah menganggap kalo gue itu kuat dan mampu.Semua juga tagu kalo Allah nggak mungkin nyoba manusia melampaui batas kekuatan dan kemampuan manusia tersebut kan?
Manusia yang kuat itu manusia yang mmapu ngendaliin diri.Semakin kita bisa ngendaliin diri,kehidupan akan terasa semakin indah.
Dan kalo orang-orang bilang hidup itu sebuah pilihan,THAT'S WRONG.
Hidup itu bukan suatu pilihan, tapi hidup merupakan media untuk memilih,hidup menyediakan banyak pilihan dan
manusia mempunyai hak untuk memilih pilihan itu menurut jalannya masing-masing (:

Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010


hahaa..kejadiannya kemaren pas gw ama temen-temen lagi les di tempat pak marjo.
hhaha yaampun malu-maluin si sebenernya buat diceritain.tapi gapapala lucu si.hha
jadi gw nissa ama ayu ceritanya mau solat zuhur ni*anak rajin gitu
tapi yang berangkat duluan gw ama nissa masuk kamar mandi,mau bak dia.kebetulan gw juga kebelet yauda gw nimbrung aja 1 kamar mandi ama dia.wkwk tapi gw madep tenggara dia madep selatan.hha gatau ding.nah pas si nissa lagi make gayung,tiba-tiba pintu kamar mandi ada yang nggedor-gedor."bruk bruk bruk"wkwk gtu kayanya yang ngeliat ganjel pintunya seperti udah hampir innalillahi bilang "Nis..ati0ati tu pintunya.lo ngunci cuma gitu juga."alhamdulillahirobbil'alamin feling gw bener.ganjel pintunya copot dan gw ngeliat grace tepat di depan pintu kamar mandi dan ayu di belakangnya yang cengok seketika tapi tiba-tiba langsung yang posisinya lagi tepat di depan pintu otomatis shock!hhahaha langsung ketawa gw.muka grace kaya muka orang lagi ngeliat setan.shock abis.seakan-akan dalam hatinya dia bilang "watchout!"wkwk padahal cuma ngeliat gw ama nissa nongkrong gajelas.hahaha..
nissa malah ngekek2 dia si enak gaterlalu keliatan,uda hampir pake celana lagi.nah gw?belom apa-apa.jahahaa geli gw pingin ngekek kalo inget soal ini.hhaa...